Introducing #EditorTherapy, a Weekly Twitter Chat for Student Editors

Time management, being an editor and a writer, planning annual editions, recruiting and retaining staff, managing friends, and goal setting are just a some of the topics we’ve discussed in the three months since Editor Therapy chat began.

#EditorTherapy is a weekly Twitter chat hosted by me (Kenna Griffin, @profkrg) at 9 p.m. CST Wednesdays. It is a place where student editors can come and discuss their most pressing media-related issues.

The chat was inspired by a conference session I’ve hosted for several years at National College Media Convention. In the session, I offer a bit of leadership advice, then I open the floor for student editors to ask me questions about their job-related issues and concerns. The session typically lasts the entire hour it’s allotted, then spills over out into the hallway for about another hour. Students end up stopping me to ask me questions randomly during the remainder of the conference.

I don’t know that I’m always able to answer all of the students’ questions well, but it’s clear that they’re looking for a lot of guidance from someone outside of their organization. You know, the kind of help you get from a therapist.

It also is clear from the standing-room-only session that there are a lot more editors in need than I can help during an hour-long session once a year, so I started the chat to help them year round.

The #EditorTherapy chat is focused on student media editors, but student journalists, journalists, collegiate media advisers, or professors are welcome to participate.

Participating in the #EditorTherapy chat is as easy as logging onto Twitter at 9 p.m. CST Wednesdays and using the hashtag to join the conversation.

During the chat, I introduce myself and provide an overview of the topic for the evening. I then ask a series of questions, using the #EditorTherapy hashtag, and ask attendees to respond, also using the hashtag.

For information about upcoming #EditorTherapy chat topics, take a look at the schedule on my site. You also can find overviews of key points from previous chats on my site, Prof KRG.

If you would like to suggest a topic for an upcoming #EditorTherapy chat or ask a question, DM me on Twitter, @profkrg.

profKRGKenna Griffin is an assistant professor of mass communications and director of student publications at Oklahoma City University. She is the author of the Prof KRG blog, which serves as a practical resource for student journalists. She is a journalist, reader, shoe lover, Ph.D. candidate, wife, mother of two, and the spoiler of a couple of adorable dogs.