Info Hub: ACP resources

ACP updated its Model Code of Ethics to include a section on Generative AI in August 2023.

It’s free for members and available for purchase in the ACP Store.

It was written by the late Albert “Flip” DeLuca, James Madison University, and the late Tom Rolnicki, former executive director of ACP and National Scholastic Press Association. The fourth-edition editor was Brian Steffen, Simpson College, and 2019 editors were Robert Bergland, Northwest Missouri State University; Ruth Witmer, Indiana University; and Ron Johnson, communications director, ACP/NSPA. Johnson edited the 2023 update on AI.

Dive into the archive of past ACP award winners — from Pacemakers to Individual Awards to Clips & Clicks.

Sign up for a 30-minute consultation session which will help you evaluate progress and give you constructive feedback on a chosen topic of interest by publication staff.

Get some help with your job search. ACP proudly supports Report for America as it helps local newsrooms report on under-covered issues and connects journalists with jobs.

Curated by Mike Reilley for the Society of Professional Journalists, the Journalist’s Toolbox is a resource that’s regularly updated and consistently helpful for journalists at all levels.

In the Toolbox are updates specifically for collegiate media.

Follow Reilley’s updates at @journtoolbox.

ACP also offers the option for group memberships in SPJ. Learn more.

One of ACP’s long-time allies, the Student Press Law Center is the go-to source for legal information and advice — and support when you need it most.

SPLC has helped literally thousands of student journalists and their advisers stand in the face of challenges to their First Amendment rights.

ACP stands in support of collegiate journalists and their advisers, and here is our statement that outlines our continuing support.

The NLGJA: The Association of LGBTQ Journalists Stylebook on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Queer Terminology complements your stylebook with terms that promote fair, accurate and inclusive coverage of LGBTQ+ people. A Spanish version is also included.

A directory of links for resources and organizations of interest to student journalists.

Downloadable PDFs

Interviewing tips
Reporting on meetings
Laura Widmer: Interviewing and news gathering tips
Public relations: 10 tips for improving student media’s image
Terrible leads
Ron Johnson’s design checklist
Ron Johnson: Typography


Rachele Kanigel: The Diversity Style Guide

Jobs for journalists

Report for America

Student media membership organizations

College Media Association

College Media Business and Advertising Managers

Broadcast Education Association
California College Media Association
Canadian University Press
Community College Journalism Association
Dow Jones Newspaper Fund
Journalism Association of Community Colleges
Quill and Scroll Society
Society of Collegiate Journalists
Student Television Network

Professional media membership organizations

Society of Professional Journalists

American Copy Editors Society
American Press Institute
American Society of Magazine Editors
American Society of Newspaper Editors
Asian American Journalists Association
Association for Alternative Newsmedia
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication
Association for Women in Communication
Association of Opinion Journalists
Catholic Media Association
Indigenous Journalists Association
Inland Press Association
International Communication Association
Investigative Reporters and Editors
National Association of Black Journalists
National Association of Broadcasters
National Association of Hispanic Journalists
National Association of Science Writers
National Communication Association
National Federation of Press Women
National Institute for Computer Assisted Reporting
National Lesbian and Gay Journalists Association
National Newspaper Association
National Press Club
National Press Photographers Association
Newspaper Association of America
Organization of News Ombudsmen
Public Relations Society of America
Radio and Television Digital News Association
Society for News Design
Society of Environmental Journalists

Printers and publishers

Friesen Yearbooks
Gardena Valley Web Offset
Herff Jones
Pacific Publishing Company
Picaboo Yearbooks
Signature Offset
Walsworth Publishing

Web / digital

College Media Network
flytedesk college ad platform
School Newspapers Online
Blox digital


Resources: organizations

The Journalist’s Toolbox

Hearst Journalism Awards Program

American Medical Association
Center for Environmental Journalism
Center for Investigative Reporting
Center for Responsive Politics
D.C. Internships
Elements of Style
Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation
Journalism Education Association
NASPA – Student Affairs Administrators in Higher Education
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
National Center on Disability and Journalism
National Collegiate Athletic Association
National Organization for Women
New England Center for Investigative Reporting
Poynter Institute for Media Studies
Prof. KRG
Project Vote Smart
Public Agenda
The Pulitzer Prizes
The Journalist’s Toolbox

Resources: government

Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms
Central Intelligence Agency
Department of Agriculture
Department of Commerce
Department of Defense
Department of Education
Department of Energy
Department of Health and Human Services
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Department of Justice
Department of Labor
Department of State
Department of the Interior
Department of Transportation
Department of Treasury
Drug Enforcement Agency
Environmental Protection Agency
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Federal Aviation Administration
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Federal Communications Commission
Federal Trade Commission
Food and Drug Administration
General Accounting Office
Internal Revenue Service
National Endowment for the Arts
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
Selective Service System
Social Security Administration
The White House
U.S. Census Bureau
U.S. Commission on Civil Rights
U.S. Customs Service

Syndicates and press services

AP Wilde World Photos
Creators Syndicate
Getty Images
King Features Syndicate
New York Times Syndicate
PR Newswire
Religion News Service
The Associated Press
The Canadian Press
Tribune Media Services
United Media
United Press International
Universal Press Syndicate
Washington Post Writers Group

Advertising placement

Ad Pro
Campus Party Inc.
Media Bistro

First Amendment
Freedom of Information

Student Press Law Center

American Civil Liberties Union
American Society of Access Professionals
Committee to Protect Journalists
Electronic Frontier Foundation
Federal Courts Locator
Free Expression
International Trademark Association
JEA Press Rights
National Coalition Against Censorship
National Freedom of Information Coalition
Freedom Forum
Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
Security on Campus
U.S. Copyright Office

Technical resources

AP Newsfinder
Audit Bureau of Circulation
Nieman Lab
Pew Research Center
Proquest Information and Learning
Web Monkey
Web Reference

Industry news and blogs

Ad Age on Campus
Adviser Update
AEJMC scholastic Journalism Division
American Journalism Review
College Media Review
Columbia Journalism Review
Communication: Journalism Education Today (C-JET)
Community College Journalists
Fast Company
Media Matters
Narrative Magazine
Nieman Storyboard
Online Journalism Review
PR Weekly
Quill & Scroll
Sports Journalists

Design / typography

The Tim Harrower archives
Resources from the award-winning designer and author of The Newspaper Designer’s Handbook

Adobe Type
Charles Apple: infographics
Garcia Media
HOW Design
News Page Designer
Print Mag
Society of Publication Designers
Web Design

Digital media / broadcasting

JEA Digital Media
Knight Digital Media Center


College Photographer of the Year
Lors Studio