15 tweets that sum up #ACPSummer 2015

Conventions are always a great time to learn new skills, but the close-knit environment of last year’s ACP summer workshop provided attendees with an especially great opportunity for growth (and plenty of tweet-able moments).

And as this summer’s ACP/CMA workshop approaches, we’re reminiscing about the weekend young journalists spent in Minneapolis last July.

Students came ready for a challenge — whether they were going up against staff conflicts, frustrating sources or an unhelpful university.

And, of course, skills learned at the workshop boosted students’ confidence and benefitted their organizations.

Students gleaned plenty of wisdom from instructors. In the leadership track, editors learned how to put aside their natural inclinations and focus on building a team.

Legal troubles were a hot topic, and leaders discovered their rights.

Plus, gathering story ideas is never a bad thing.

In other sessions, students got right to work, furiously taking notes, crafting new designs, covering events and attending tours.

It certainly wasn’t a vacation; students were doing hands-on reporting, interviewing and storytelling.

On the sports track, attendees got a chance to cover a remarkable Twins game (and even interview the team after).

And sometimes their work took all night — but it was worth it in the end, right?

Students in the narrative track even spent a day in jail. For journalism, of course.

ACP Summer was full of characters, including instructor Steven Chappell.

There are certainly worse places to spend a weekend, especially with nearby sites like Minnehaha Falls.

After spending four days learning alongside your peers, it’s easy to suffer from withdrawals.

But as cliche as it sounds, the lessons students learned were significant (and they lasted longer than a tweet).

Maybe we’re cheating a bit, but there were plenty of great moments from the workshop.

We hope to see you at this year’s ACP/CMA summer workshop in Minneapolis from July 14-17 — and we’re sure you’ll take away lessons that you can’t express in just 140 characters.