Editorial Cartoon • Comic Strip/Panel
Nov. 2, 2024
Associated Collegiate Press salutes the winners of its 2024 Cartoon of the Year competition.
ACP’s Individual Awards are among the top prizes in collegiate media, and the awards are a showcase of journalistic excellence.
Winners were announced during the Fall National College Media Convention, on Nov 2 in New Orleans.
Honorable mentions
Editorial: Delaying release of final advisory report undermines graduation celebrations for students
Lilly Sundsbak
The Columbia Chronicle
Columbia College Chicago (IL)
Let’s rethink how we talk about global warming
Corynn Young
The Battalion
Texas A&M University
The do’s and don’ts of PR writing
Sara Fang
The Michigan Daily
University of Michiga
Texas State Trooper Essentials
Rainier Pederson
The Mercury
University of Texas at Dallas
COVID-19 is still a community problem
Haley Walton
The Shorthorn
University of Texas at Arlington
Honorable mentions
Student Debt
Edmundo Godinez
The Southwestern College Sun
Southwestern College (CA)
Editorial Cartoon: “Bruin Voices for Change”
Sydney Kysar
Daily Bruin
University of California, Los Angeles
American Boy | Where’s your money going?
Bruce Darnell
The Alestle
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
The Tail of Walnut
Camille Amezcua
The Collegian
California State University, Fresno
A Villain’s Day Off
Brandi Kim
Inside Fullerton
Fullerton College (CA)