Win free registration to the ACP Summer Workshop

We’ve lined up the best instructors for the ACP Summer Workshop; now we’re looking for the best participants.

We’re offering one free registration fee in each of our tracks* for a student who can make the best case for why he or she belongs at #ACPSummer. Pick your track and follow its specific rules to enter. One track leader will pick his or her favorite entry starting May 11 to receive the free registration.
*Excludes the Design/Redesign Program

Journalism Leadership and Management Conference
Submit your program’s strategic plan for the 2015-16 academic year either through Twitter (tag @acpress and @pbittick and use #ACPSummer) by May 15. Include a statement of what you hope to gain at JLMC. Or post those materials to the Associated Collegiate Press Facebook page.

A&E Reporting
Submit a link to your best feature story or arts review through Twitter (tag @acpress and @koretzky and use #ACPSummer) by May 15. Include a statement of what you hope to gain at #ACPSummer. Or post those materials to the Associated Collegiate Press Facebook page.

Narrative Storytelling
Submit a link to your best story through Twitter (tag @acpress and @LisaRenze and use #ACPSummer) by May 15. Include a statement of what you hope to gain at #ACPSummer. Or post those materials to the Associated Collegiate Press Facebook page.

Visual Storytelling
Still photogs – Submit a link to your best photo through Twitter (tag @acpress and @RichAbrahamson and use #ACPSummer) by May 15. Include a statement of what you hope to gain at #ACPSummer. Or post those materials to the Associated Collegiate Press Facebook page.

Video – Submit a link to your best package through Twitter (tag @acpress and @SrhodesSteve and use #ACPSummer) by May 15. Include a statement of what you hope to gain at #ACPSummer. Or post those materials to the Associated Collegiate Press Facebook page.

Sports Reporting
Submit a link to your best game coverage or feature through Twitter (tag @acpress and @thegrammarnazi and use #ACPSummer) by May 15. Include a statement of what you hope to gain at #ACPSummer. Or post those materials to the Associated Collegiate Press Facebook page.