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News & Notes

15 tweets that sum up #ACPSummer 2015

June 30, 2016

Conventions are always a great time to learn new skills, but the close-knit environment of last year’s ACP summer workshop…

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How 3 college media groups localized the national conversation about Orlando

June 29, 2016

The mass shooting in Orlando on June 12 caused an immediate national reaction, adding to an already intense conversation about…

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June means AP Stylebook changes

June 1, 2016

Just when we think we grasp more AP Style than we’re confused by, the Associated Press goes and changes it.…

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Diana Mitsu Klos to step down as executive director

May 24, 2016

Diana Mitsu Klos will step down as director of the National Scholastic Press Association/Associated Collegiate Press effective June 15th, 2016.…

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Keynote speakers announced for #acpdc

May 2, 2016

Pulitzer Prize winning journalist Bob Woodward and former CIA employee Edward Snowden, who share a passion for the public’s right…

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NSPA/ACP Symposium on Youth Media and Digital Citizenship

March 31, 2016

When journalism professors from across the country gather for their annual conference in our hometown of Minneapolis this summer, NSPA/ACP…

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First ever boot camp for student media advertising sales reps

March 23, 2016

Does your advertising bottom line need a boost? Join us in Minneapolis this summer for the first ever boot camp…

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Making Time to Write

March 14, 2016

If you’re reading this post, chances are that you’re a strong, relatively fast writer. Despite this, you probably have more…

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Three #ACPLA workshops that inspired creativity

March 2, 2016

More than 500 young journalists, photographers, designers and their advisers gathered in Los Angeles for the ACP 32nd Annual Midwinter…

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5 Noteworthy Ideas From #ACPLA

February 29, 2016

I love conferences, probably because I’m a huge nerd. I enjoy learning. It’s just such a great feeling to know…

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