Broadsheet 8 or fewer pages
The Broadview, Convent of the Sacred Heart HS, San Francisco, Calif.
Rebecca Lee, Isabelle Pinard, editors
Tracy Anne Sena, adviser
The Stagg Line, Amos Alonzo Stagg HS, Stockton, Calif.
Mikeala Axton & Taylor Hurles, editor
Don Bott, adviser
Broadsheet 9-16 pages
The Hub, Davis Sr. HS, Davis, Calif.
Daniel Tutt, Emily Gao, Boyoung Kim, Kelly Goss, editors
Kelly Wilkerson, adviser
Oarsman, Venice HS, Los Angeles, Calif.
Michael Cheung, Maya Troeger, editors
Nancy Zubiri, adviser
The Octagon, Sacramento Country Day School, Sacramento, Calif.
Mollie Berg, Ian Cardle, Christina Petlowany, editors
Patricia Fels, adviser
The Urban Legend, The Urban School of San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.
Cassiel Chadwick, Sabrina Werby, editors
Beatrice Motamedi, adviser
The Southerner, Henry W. Grady HS, Atlanta, Ga.
Shaun Kleber, Jasmine Burnett, editors
Kate Carter/Dave Winter, advisers
The Central Times, Naperville Central HS, Naperville, Ill.
Christin Tang, editor
Keith Carlson, adviser
Inklings, Crown Point HS, Crown Point, Ind.
Haajar Shaaban, editor
Julie Elston, adviser
The Phillipian, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
Samuel L. Green, editor
Nina Scott, adviser
tjToday, Thomas Jefferson HS for Science & Technology, Alexandria, Va.
Rabia Idrees, editor
Jennifer Seavey, adviser
Broadsheet 17 or more pages
The Gazette, Granite Bay HS, Granite Bay, Calif.
Kyle Pawlak, Shannon Carroll, Jessica Reese, Rachael Vasquez, editors
Karl Grubaugh, adviser
The Lowell, Lowell HS, San Francisco, Calif.
Amy Char, Yosha Huang, Natasha Khan, Caitriona Smyth, Nancy Wu, editors
Sharn Matusek/Sam Williams, advisers
The Little Hawk, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, Iowa
Renata Stewart, Max Friedman, editors
Jonathan Rogers, adviser
Silver Chips, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, Md.
Sebastian Medina-Tayac, Claire Boston, editors
Joseph Fanning, adviser
Highlights, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Mallika Sen, Nathan Ong, editors
Katie Murray/Gaby Herbst, advisers
The HiLite, Carmel HS, Carmel, Ind.
Laura Peng, editor
Jim Streisel, adviser
The Tiger Print, Blue Valley HS, Stilwell, Kan.
Jordon Huesers, Sara Naatz, editors
Jill Chittum, adviser
The Spoke, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, Pa.
Mary Turocy, Laura Weiss, editors
Susan Houseman/Cynthia Hyatt, advisers
Stampede, Burges HS, El Paso, Texas
Elijah Natividad, Nicholas Provenghi, editors
Patricia Monroe, adviser
El Estoque, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, Calif.
Karishma Mehrotra, editor
Michelle Balmeo, adviser
The Muse, Dreyfoos School of the Arts, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Sam Bilton, Audrey Green, editors
Stephen Moore, adviser
Globe, Clayton HS, Clayton, Mo.
Noah Eby, editor
Erin Castellano, adviser
Spark, Lakota East HS, Liberty Township, Ohio
Devin Casey, Christian Roehm, Rachel Podnar, editors
Dean Hume, adviser
Jr. High/Middle School
Broadsheet 8 or fewer pages
The Broadview, Convent of the Sacred Heart HS, San Francisco, Calif.
Rebecca Lee, Isabelle Pinard, editors
Tracy Anne Sena, adviser
The Stagg Line, Amos Alonzo Stagg HS, Stockton, Calif.
Mikeala Axton & Taylor Hurles, editor
Don Bott, adviser
Spotlight, Francis Howell HS, St. Charles, Mo.
Andrew Odle & Ann Molina, editor
Michele Dunaway, adviser
Wingspan, West Henderson HS, Hendersonville, N.C.
Catherine Swift, Natalie Rice, editors
Brenda Gorsuch, adviser
The Spartan Standard, Bainbridge HS, Bainbridge Island, Wash.
Henri Gendreau, Audrey Covert, editors
Kim Rose, adviser
Broadsheet 9-16 pages
Highlander, Carlmont HS, Belmont, Calif.
Dana Bloom, Jenna Chambers, editors
Justin Raisner, adviser
The Hub, Davis Sr. HS, Davis, Calif.
Daniel Tutt, Emily Gao, Boyoung Kim, Kelly Goss, editors
Kelly Wilkerson, adviser
Oarsman, Venice HS, Los Angeles, Calif.
Michael Cheung, Maya Troeger, editors
Nancy Zubiri, adviser
The Octagon, Sacramento Country Day School, Sacramento, Calif.
Mollie Berg, Ian Cardle, Christina Petlowany, editors
Patricia Fels, adviser
The Urban Legend, The Urban School of San Francisco, San Francisco, Calif.
Cassiel Chadwick, Sabrina Werby, editors
Beatrice Motamedi, adviser
Rocky Mountain Highlighter, Rocky Mountain HS, Fort Collins, Colo.
Cassa Niedringhaus, editor
Stephen Wahlfeldt, adviser
The Southerner, Henry W. Grady HS, Atlanta, Ga.
Shaun Kleber, Jasmine Burnett, editors
Kate Carter/Dave Winter, advisers
Evanstonian, Evanston Township HS, Evanston, Ill.
Henry Bricker, Nikki Freihofer, Emma Peters, editors
Rodney Lowe, adviser
The Central Times, Naperville Central HS, Naperville, Ill.
Christin Tang, editor
Keith Carlson, adviser
Inklings, Crown Point HS, Crown Point, Ind.
Haajar Shaaban, editor
Julie Elston, adviser
The Phillipian, Phillips Academy, Andover, Mass.
Samuel L. Green, editor
Nina Scott, adviser
Prep News, Rockhurst HS, Kansas City, Mo.
Blase Capelli, Emerson Hodes, editors
Mike Dierks, adviser
The Marshfield Times, Marshfield HS, Coos Bay, Ore.
Kayla Bauer, Lisa Donato, editors
Catherine Hampton, adviser
Tiger Times, Seoul International School, Seoul, S. Korea
Eunice Lee, Stella Kim, editors
Carolyn Brown, adviser
The Liberator, LBJ/LASA HS, Austin, Texas
Miles Kruppa, Megan Mattson, David Freed, editors
Janet Elbom, adviser
tjToday, Thomas Jefferson HS for Science & Technology, Alexandria, Va.
Rabia Idrees, editor
Jennifer Seavey, adviser
Broadsheet 17 or more pages
The Gazette, Granite Bay HS, Granite Bay, Calif.
Kyle Pawlak, Shannon Carroll, Jessica Reese, Rachael Vasquez, editors
Karl Grubaugh, adviser
The Boiling Point, Shalhevet HS, Los Angeles, Calif.
Leila Miller, editor
Joelle Keene, adviser
The Chronicle, Harvard-Westlake School, North Hollywood, Calif.
Judd Liebman, Lara Sokoloff, editors
Kathleen Neumeyer, adviser
The Lowell, Lowell HS, San Francisco, Calif.
Amy Char, Yosha Huang, Natasha Khan, Caitriona Smyth, Nancy Wu, editors
Sharn Matusek/Sam Williams, advisers
The Prowl, Coral Glades HS, Coral Springs, Fla.
Alanna Browdy, Madison Flager, editors
Jonathan Gordon, adviser
The Little Hawk, Iowa City HS, Iowa City, Iowa
Renata Stewart, Max Friedman, editors
Jonathan Rogers, adviser
Silver Chips, Montgomery Blair HS, Silver Spring, Md.
Sebastian Medina-Tayac, Claire Boston, editors
Joseph Fanning, adviser
The Lion’s Roar, Newton South HS, Newton Centre, Mass.
Jenny Friedland, Joe Joseph, editors
Brian Baron/Ashley Elpern, advisers
The Rock, Rock Bridge Sr. HS, Columbia, Mo.
Avantika Khatri, Jack Schoelz, Shivangi Singh, editors
Robin F. Stover, adviser
Highlights, Beverly Hills HS, Beverly Hills, Calif.
Mallika Sen, Nathan Ong, editors
Katie Murray/Gaby Herbst, advisers
The Standard, American School in London, London, England
Ian Robertson, editor
Shannon Miller, adviser
Spartan News Network, Lakewood HS, St. Petersburg, Fla.
Sofia Damos, editor
Kathleen Tobin, adviser
The HiLite, Carmel HS, Carmel, Ind.
Laura Peng, editor
Jim Streisel, adviser
The Express, Blue Valley Northwest HS, Overland Park, Kan.
Linley Sanders, Ali Staples, editors
Jim McCrossen, adviser
The Tiger Print, Blue Valley HS, Stilwell, Kan.
Jordon Huesers, Sara Naatz, editors
Jill Chittum, adviser
The Spoke, Conestoga HS, Berwyn, Pa.
Mary Turocy, Laura Weiss, editors
Susan Houseman/Cynthia Hyatt, advisers
Stampede, Burges HS, El Paso, Texas
Elijah Natividad, Nicholas Provenghi, editors
Patricia Monroe, adviser
El Estoque, Monta Vista HS, Cupertino, Calif.
Karishma Mehrotra, editor
Michelle Balmeo, adviser
Verde, Palo Alto HS, Palo Alto, Calif.
Scott Kleckner, Maytal Mark, Emily Kellison-Linn, editors
Paul Kandell, adviser
Overland Scout, Overland HS, Aurora, Colo.
Lori Schafer, Haleema Mian, editors
Laura Sudik, adviser
The Muse, Dreyfoos School of the Arts, West Palm Beach, Fla.
Sam Bilton, Audrey Green, editors
Stephen Moore, adviser
Torch, Kennedy HS, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
Rachel Gilman, Riley Galbraith, editors
Stacy Haynes-Moore, adviser
West Side Story, Iowa City West HS, Iowa City, Iowa
Eleanor Marshall, editor
Sara Jane Whittaker, adviser
Communicator, Community HS, Ann Arbor, Mich.
Jordan Siden, Julia Kortberg, Kerry Kingerle, Mari Cohen, editors
Tracy Rosewarne, adviser
Globe, Clayton HS, Clayton, Mo.
Noah Eby, editor
Erin Castellano, adviser
Spark, Lakota East HS, Liberty Township, Ohio
Devin Casey, Christian Roehm, Rachel Podnar, editors
Dean Hume, adviser
Jr. High/Middle School