View the full 2008 Honor Roll listing
Theresa Berens, Editor-in-Chief of The Network at Marian High School in Omaha, Neb., is the 2008 Journalism Honor Roll Scholarship winner. Ms. Berens was chosen from over 60 scholarship applications for the $1000 cash prize. In her winning essay she wrote, “This idealistic hope for perfection is what makes me the editor; this is what makes me a journalist. Not the fact that I carry Strunk & White’s Elements of Style in my purse, or due to my love affair with accurate punctuation. It’s not because I love to write or because I organize Ziploc bags filled with inspiring design clippings. It’s because I truly care. Journalism is about passion.”
Two Runners-up were chosen to receive $500 each. Stacy Williams of South Pointe HS in Rock Hill, SC and Esther Zuckerman of Harvard-Westlake School in North Hollywood, Calif. NSPA congratulates the winner and runners-up and wishes them the best in their collegial endeavors.
The NSPA Honor Roll of Student Journalists honors students who have worked on an NSPA member publication for two or more years, with at least one year in an editorial position, and have maintained a grade point average of at least 3.75 on a four-point scale. Publication advisers or journalism instructors have nominated these students for the honor. NSPA also awards one or more Honor Roll Scholarships annually to graduating seniors inducted into the Honor Roll. -Marisa Dobson