1. Maya Zuniga
Newsbytes Online, West Covina High School
West Covina, California
2. Glory Yount
Statesman, Lincoln High School
Sioux Falls, South Dakota
3. Gillian Paxton
HiLite, Carmel High School
Carmel, Indiana
4. Christina Alfano
The Inkblot, Communications High School
Wall Township, New Jersey
5. Kobe Roseman
The ReMarker, St. Mark’s School of Texas
Dallas, Texas
HM. Hannah Cosselmon
The Lowell, Lowell High School
San Francisco, California
HM. Catherine Monroy
Bear Witness, Branham High School
San Jose, California
HM. Alivia Benedict
The Booster Redux, Pittsburg High School
Pittsburg, Kansas
HM. Moy Zhong
The Rock, Rock Bridge Senior High School
Columbia, Missouri
1. Aileen Zhang
The Review, St. John’s School
Houston, Texas
2. Thomas Rousseau
The Sidekick, Coppell High School
Coppell, Texas
3. Lulie Duerkop
Southwords, Maine South High School
Park Ridge, Illinois
4. Sabrina DeAbreu
Eastside, Cherry Hill High School East
Cherry Hill, New Jersey
5. Natalie Laurin
Update, Herbert Henry Dow High School
Midland, Michigan
HM. Jacinda Warren
The Budget, Lawrence High School
Lawrence, Kansas
HM. Betsy Stubbs
The Hawkeye, Bloomfield Hills High School
Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
HM. Antoinette Fox
The Quill, Robbinsdale Cooper High School
New Hope, Minnesota
HM. Michael Robinson
Marquette Messenger, Marquette High School
Chesterfield, Missouri
HM. Pallavi Aakarapu
The Spoke, Conestoga High School
Berwyn, Pennsylvania