Journalism Education Association is seeking an executive director

JEA is seeking an executive director who gets…

Your curiosity gets the best of you — and you are OK with that. You are a storyteller who uses all imaginable tools to tell a story. You believe in facts, you ask tough questions and you share. You report and decide. You are all about empowering people with knowledge. You are committed to empower student voices through student media practice of the First Amendment.

You practice what you preach. When you hear “Those who can, do; those who can’t, teach” you want to start a fight. And, because you are prepared you will win. You realize that in order for our mission to get heard, we must educate up and down, left and right, inside and out — that we’re not just teaching students, we are teaching teachers, administrators, parents, partners, bureaucrats, politicians and, well heck, we’re teaching everyone. You know in your heart of hearts that education is the great equalizer, empowering people with the skills and traits to find their passion, achieve their dream and make their communities better. In your mind, there is no better profession. Teaching is your calling.

You believe we are stronger and better together than alone. You collaborate, you share, you break bread and love tough love. You put others before yourself. You want to reach out and give a hand up. You want to reach out, shake hands and make new friends. You believe in talking through ideas with everyone, and then you aren’t afraid to make a decision and share why. You know that what’s best is what is best for all. You want everyone to be in your community because you know your community is exactly that: Your community takes care of all its members.

You are in charge. You see problems and identify solutions. You see the big picture and attend to the small details. You support others with your experiences, expertise and excellence. You can manage people, places and things. Oh, the places you will go with your staff and colleagues. You are not afraid to say no. And, you know that when you say yes you will not fail.

You are a maestro. The quarterback. The center. The lead singer. And, you are the third bassist, the left guard, the super sub off the bench and the drummer. You will do whatever it takes. Sometimes you’re all about the numbers. Sometimes you’re all about the details. Sometimes you’re all about the vision. You not only pilot the plane, but you build it, too. You believe in delegating and, most importantly, leading by example. You have a vision and a plan — with detours, if necessary — to get there (and beyond!). You know when to delegate, to empower. You can drive, navigate and sing songs in the backseat.

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