Pacemaker competition names 18
as the ‘best of the best’
Oct. 14, 2021
MINNEAPOLIS — Student newspapers from 18 colleges and universities have earned the prestigious Pacemaker award from the Associated Collegiate Press.
“The Pacemaker is the association’s preeminent award,” executive director Laura Widmer said. “ACP is honored to recognize the best of the best.”
In September, 36 newspapers were named Pacemaker finalists. The finalists represented 16 states and a Canadian province. California set the pace with seven finalists followed by Texas with five.
The 18 Pacemaker winners represent the top 22 of the entries. Three of the Pacemaker-winning newspapers were published by two-year schools.
Five print issues produced during the 2020-21 school year were submitted for consideration. Two teams of three judges studied every entry, analysing its strengths and weaknesses. At least two of the three judges agreed on whether a newspaper was eliminated or would be named a finalist or winner.
For the first time in recent history, the newspapers did not compete by frequency of publication. Newspapers from four-year schools competed with those of similar enrollment. Newspapers from two-year schools competed against each other.
“This was a very challenging year for collegiate print newspapers. The quality of the publications was stronger than ever, but because of the pandemic and the changing media landscape, the number of entries dropped this year,” said Gary Lundgren, associate director and coordinator of Pacemaker competition.
In all, 81 newspapers entered the Pacemaker competition compared to 114 the previous year.
In addition to demonstrating excellence in key areas including coverage, writing, editing, design and photography, the winning newspapers took risks and served as a strong voice for the student audience.
In this competition, only the print product was judged. Online sites compete in a separate Pacemaker competition.
2021 ACP Pacemaker Awards
2020 Yearbook
2021 ACP Individual Awards
Story of the Year
Reporter of the Year
Multimedia Story of the Year
Design of the Year
Photo of the Year
Cartoon of the Year
Advertisement of the Year
Best Use of Social Media
COVID-19 Coverage
Broadcast Story of the Year
Santa Monica College
Santa Monica, California
Editor: Jack Hughes
Advisers: Ashanti Blaize-Hopkins, Gerard Burkhart
University of California, Los Angeles
Los Angeles, California
Editor: Melissa Morris
Adviser: Abigail Goldman
University of Georgia
Athens, Georgia
Editors: Sherry Liang,
Augusta Stone
Adviser: Rebecca Burns
School of the Art Institute of Chicago
Chicago, Illinois
Editors: Leo Smith, Jade Sheng
Advisers: Paul Elitzik, Michael Miner
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana
Editors: Caroline Anders,
Emily Isaacman, Jacob deCastro,
Tristan Jackson
Advisers: Jim Rodenbush,
Ruth Witmer
Ball State University
Muncie, Indiana
Editor: Zach Piatt
Adviser: Lisa Renze-Rhodes
Western Kentucky University
Bowling Green, Kentucky
Editor: Laurel Deppen
Adviser: Chuck Clark, Carrie Pratt
Loyola University New Orleans
New Orleans, Louisiana
Editor: Rose Wagner
Adviser: Michael Giusti
Michigan State University
East Lansing, Michigan
Editor: Evan Jones
Advisers: Omar Sofradzija,
Daena Faustino, Wesley Herold
Central Michigan University
Mount Pleasant, Michigan
Editor: Issac Ritchey
Advisers: David Clark, Kathy Simon
University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Editor: Hadriana Lowenkron
Adviser: Deborah Howlett
Virginia Commonwealth University
Richmond, Virginia
Editors: Iman Mekonen,
Andrew Ringle
Adviser: Mark Jeffries